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Pregnancy Nutrition

Pregnancy is a time when your diet is more important than ever. Not only are you nourishing yourself, it is also vital that you are getting all of the right nutrients needed for your growing baby. Research shows that maternal health and nutrition can also impact the health of your child for many years to come.


During pregnancy your energy requirements don’t actually increase much, however, your requirements for many nutrients do. Consequently, during this time it’s extremely important to focus on the nutritional quality of your diet. So, while you aren’t eating for two, you do need to eat twice as well!


Whether you are pregnant, considering a pregnancy, or having difficulty conceiving, an accredited dietitian can help you navigate your body’s unique nutrition needs and provide you with a tailored dietary plan that is simple, enjoyable and rich in the nutrients that your body and baby require.


The Pregnancy Nutrition Program is a convenient packaged option which can be tailored to your specific stage of pregnancy. Key focus points for the program include:


  • Important nutrients in pregnancy and pre-conception

  • Quality over quantity – nourishing foods to meet increased nutrient requirements

  • Pregnancy weight gain – the right amount for your body shape

  • Food safety during pregnancy – guidance on what to limit or avoid

  • Post-partum weight loss and education on individual requirements for breast feeding



Pregnancy Nutrition

+   Health, Diet & Lifestyle Assessment
+   1 x Initial Dietitian Consultation (60 - 75 minutes)
+   2 x Review Dietitian Consultations (30 minutes each)
+   Personalised Dietary Plan
+   Tailored Education & Resources
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